Having a credit card is a privilege not a right. If you apply for an ICICI Canada credit card then you will not regret it. The ICICI Canada credit card payment online is a convenient service that is available on a 24 hour basis through electronic means. You can use it to look over your transaction history, see the details of your account and view your account balance(s). You can also use the online system to download your statement for as far back as 12 months time (if need be).
ICICI Canada Credit Card Payment Online Benefits
- The ICICI Canada credit card payment online system makes it possible for you to take all of your financial information and import it into Microsoft Money.
- You can also take money from your checking account or your savings account and transfer it from one branch of the ICICI Bank Canada to another.
- You can do all this while you are sitting at home in your most comfy chair!
- The online banking system at ICICI is such that you can easily and swiftly pay all of your credit card bills in this manner.
- What is so wonderful about this is that it will not cost you a dime.
- There is no fee on a monthly basis to use the online service. Be aware however that you may have to pay service charges on every one of the transaction that you make at the online site.
- This is based on the type of bank account that you have with ICICI Bank.
Make A ICICI Canada Credit Card Payment Online
- If you decide to use the ICICI Canada credit card payment online service then there are certain things you must do in order to do that.
- First and foremost you cannot bank with the online service unless you open an account with the bank.
- Once you have opened an account with ICICI the bank will then send you a 10-digit temporary reference number (TRN).
- You then need to write a personal check and make it payable to yourself. This is an initial deposit on your account that must be drawn on a Canadian financial institution.
- You then must be given a Customer Identification (CIF) number.
- This number will be your online banking user ID and password.
- You will receive this number once your check has been cleared through the bank.
The system is easily managed by anyone. You can use a variety of formats to view your statement in. This includes Microsoft Word, Microsoft Money or Excel. You can also simply look at your statement on the screen in front of you.