Making a Singapore credit card payment is easy to do once you get into the habit of doing it. In Singapore credit cards are issued by banks but also by financial institutions that are non-banking as well. It is not a difficult task to obtain a credit card in Singapore for the average citizen. What can be difficult is not ending up with too many cards and ending up in a tremendous amount of debt! The easy accessibility of credit cards can make this an all too common occurrence.
Singapore Credit Card Options
In Singapore banks offer to their customers MasterCard and Visa cards. The credit cards that can be obtained through non-banking means include American Express, JCB cards and the Diners Club card. It is important that you apply for a bank credit card from an account holding bank as opposed to a non-account holding bank. Applying for a card through the latter is often difficult to do and can be completely unnecessary. It can also complicate the process of paying a Singapore credit card payment
Singapore Credit Card Benefits
There are generally arrays of benefits that come with obtaining a Singapore credit card. Not all credit cards are the same however and the benefits tend to vary from one company to another. Examples of these benefits include free insurance offers, waiver of annual fees and points earned on every purchase made using the card.
It is the convenience of usage and the flexibility factor that impacts which type of credit card an individual will apply for. Females are drawn to the debit cards that come with promotional offers while males consider the economic side of the coin. The ownership of a credit card is often tied to such things as a person’s educational level, their income, their marital status and their age.
Singapore Credit Card Choices
Citibank is one of the banks in Singapore that issues credit cards to cardholders. HSBC Bank is another bank that does so as does DBS Bank Limited. Other options available to citizens include the Overseas- Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. (OCBC Ltd.) and the United Overseas Bank Limited. Each one of these companies offers a number of choices when it comes to credit cards.
It is in your best interests to peruse your choices for Singapore credit cards and to also learn about how to make a Singapore credit card payment before you decide which card you wish to apply for. Never apply for a credit card until you know all that you need to about it and you know that it is suitable for the lifestyle you live.